The popularity of the platinized titanium anode is growing every day amongst experts. But for the layman, they may not precisely understand the logic behind it. In case you do not know what an anode is, an anode is an electrode that is positively charged. Now, for an anode to be called a titanium anode, that means the positively charged electrode is titanium. If you do not know what titanium is, it is the 22nd chemical element with a short symbol known as Ti. A common type of platinum anode is the one mixed with titanium, known as a platinized titanium anode.

In a titanium anode, the electrodes move around carrying a supply of metallic surface. The whole idea of titanium anodes may be relatively new to many, but realistically, it has existed for many years. Titanium anode first came to life in the 1950s, and the main reason for its development was for airplane-related matters. A titanium anode offers you a high resistance to reactions. That happens because the titanium anode can react with oxygen and chlorine in any environment they are in; therefore, corrosion is hardly ever a problem. This wonderful resistivity to corrosion is the main reason why many engineers prefer to use the titanium anode for building. However, resistance is not the only reason; there are other reasons why titanium anodes are popular. But of all the kinds of titanium anodes, platinumized titanium anode is usually the best option. Let’s discuss some of the things that make platinized titanium anode a preferred choice.

Corrosion prevention

Platinized titanium anode is one of the best ways to prevent corrosion in your metals. Already, platinum has great electrochemical characters, while titanium, on the other hand, has a high resistance against corrosion. The combination of these two features keeps your metal safe from any corrosion. Everyone knows platinum to be a precious metal, so it is a bit costly to buy. But irrespective of the high cost, the conductivity and other features make it one of the best anodes available. Because of the high price of platinum, however, to make an anode, manufacturers combine a small portion of platinum with metals like titanium to cater to corrosion.

Excellent chemical composition

Another reason people combine platinized titanium anode is the chemical properties of both platinum and titanium. If you have had any experience with a platinum anode, you will notice that this precious metal is usually outside. That is because it has properties that save the anode from corrosion, and at the same time, it still allows current flow with no forming of an insulator. Also, platinum does not react with acids, but you can dissolve the precious metal in an aqua regia. Titanium, on the other hand, has high corrosion resistance, but the main perk is its resistance in seawater. If you try to mix a metallic chloride with an 80% corrosion, it will not react. But titanium has a disadvantage of responding quickly with acids like hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid.


A platinized titanium anode is increasingly becoming popular because of its unique features. We have discussed some of these features in this guide.


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